Breach of Employment Contract
A breach of employment contract is a common cause of dispute between an employee and an employer. An employment contract may be broken...

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, Blogs
Does your company have a social media policy to protect your business? Do you know what you would do if one of your employees posted...
Have you got a fair workplace?
EQUALITY Fairness in the workplace is a vital part of a successful business. It is supported by the law - the Equality Act 2010 - and...

Auto enrolment – if you employ staff you can’t ignore it or you will face daily fines There is nothing automatic about auto enrolment. ...

Worker, Employee or Self-Employed? Do you know the difference?
Generally anyone who is not genuinely self-employed and works for you is a worker or an employee. An employee is someone who works under...

Performance Appraisals are good for business
Performance appraisals (or performance reviews) is a process for individual employees and those concerned with their performance, to...

Pensions - don't break the law
Pensions – fines if your business fails to auto-enrol on time. The law on workplace pensions has changed. Every employer with at least...

Holidays Built Up During Sick Leave
The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has clarified the rights of workers on long term sick leave, to carry forward their untaken holiday...

Mobile Workers’ first and last journeys count as working time
In advance of a final European Court of Justice Judgment on working time for travelling workers, the Advocate General Yves Bot has said...

Employment Law and HR Update June 2015
Pensions – fines if your business fails to auto-enrol on time. The law on workplace pensions has changed. Every employer with at least...