Christmas is Coming Beware
Christmas is coming, so the party season is nearly upon us. Business owners want their employees to have a great time at the office...

GDPR - it's happening.
Is your business ready? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force on 26th May, 2018. It replaces the current...

It was just a joke!
Sexual Harassment is no laughing matter. Do you allow joke emails, inappropriate language and sexually explicit jokes in your workplace?...

Office Party Beware!
Top 6 questions asked by employers about office parties. Q. Should we have written rules on work-related social events? A. Make sure you...

Compensation for Holidays
Compensation claims inevitable as the ECJ (European Court of Justice) has ruled that self-employed workers may be able to carry leave...

UBER Workers?
An Employment Tribunal has, this afternoon, ruled that two drivers who provide services to UBER are 'workers' within the meaning of the...

Top 10 Signs of Stress
Do you know what to look out for if one of your employees is suffering from stress? If it isn’t dealt with immediately it could lead to...

Personal Data
GDPR – is your business ready for May 2018? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force on 26th May, 2018. It...

Time Off for Family and dependants Many employers are confused about the law relating to time off for family and dependants. Employees...

Don't be a bull in a china shop!
Your top 5 questions on the disciplinary procedure I am often asked questions about the disciplinary procedure. Brief answers are below,...