Diversity Essential for business

Today’s workforce is a mosaic of different ethnic groups, religions, genders, physical ability, sexual orientation and life styles.
Businesses that embrace equality and diversity understand that each and every one of their workforce is unique.
Diversity takes the approach that people should be treated as individuals. Employees feel more connected to a business that values the work and ideas of everyone with equal levels of respect.
The Equality Act 2010 brings together all the existing equality laws and puts them into one piece of legislation and that includes laws on employment.
It protects people from harassment, victimisation and discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage/ civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, race, religion /belief, sex and sexual orientation.
Prejudice should be left at the workplace door and not be brought into work.
Having an inclusive workplace is essential for business, not just because we all need to obey the law and don’t want to end up at an employment tribunal, we need to be able to employ the best people from the widest possible pool of talent.

Every employer, regardless of size should have an Equality and Diversity policy in their Employee Handbook? Do you know how to deal with a problem immediately it occurs? Avoid expensive legal proceedings and ensure you have all the right policies and procedures in place for your workforce. We can also provide Diversity training for your workforce.
Contact Nichola Coulthard at Coulthard Human Resources. Nichola@coulthardhr.co.uk 07946 541606
Coulthard Human Resources helping businesses become great employers.